Germany exotic animal
Germany exotic animal

germany exotic animal

Environmental enrichment and cognitive complexity in reptiles and amphibians: concepts, review, and implications for captive populations. Investigation of an outbreak of velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease in pet birds in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Texas. īorn Free and Blue Cross (2015) ‘One Click Away’ īorn Free (2018), Dangerous Wild Animals: Who Lives Next Door? (press release)īruning-Fann C., Kaneene J. A Systematic Review of the Ornamental Fish Trade with Emphasis on Coral Reef Fishes-An Impossible Task. A Review of Welfare Assessment Methods in Reptiles, and Preliminary Application of the Welfare Quality® Protocol to the Pygmy Blue-Tongue Skink, Tiliqua adelaidensis, Using Animal-Based Measures. Rough trade: Animal welfare in the global wildlife trade. Trade in live reptiles, its impact on wild populations, and the role of the European market. TRAFFIC Europe, Brussels, Belgium.Īuliya, M. Hot trade in cool creatures: a review of the live reptile trade in the European Union in the 1990s with a focus on Germany. Morbidity and mortality of invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals at a major exotic companion animal wholesaler. Center for Emerging Issues, Veterinary Services, APHIS. Rabbit hemorrhagic disease, Indiana, June 15, 2005. Journal for nature conservation 49, 9-21.Īndibel ruling, Case C219/07, ECLI:EU:C:2008:353 Īnimal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 Īnimal and Plant Health Inspection Service ( APHIS) (2005).

germany exotic animal germany exotic animal

Keeping reptiles as pets in Brazil: Ethnozoological and conservation aspects. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn, Germany, BfN-Skripten 545. (2020): Strategies for reducing demand for reptiles, amphibians and small mammals kept as pets. A report by Pro Wildlife to the RSPCA, Munich, Germany.Īltherr, S., Freyer, D. Morbidity and mortality in private husbandry of reptiles.

Germany exotic animal